Blog hair loss Hair Restoration SmartGraft

Hair Restoration in Brentwood, TN

If you have noticed thinning hair as you age, you’re not alone.  About 70% of men experience hair loss as they get older.  And it starts happening younger than you might think.  Around 25% of men first notice signs of hair loss before age 21.  Even though it is a natural part of aging for almost everyone, hair loss can affect how you feel about your appearance and your self-confidence.  Fortunately, you can turn back the hands the of time with hair restoration in Brentwood, TN.

Why Do Men Lose Their Hair?

We may think of male hair loss as just a normal part of aging, and it is.  But why does it happen?

Male pattern baldness can be attributed to genetic, hormonal, or even environmental factors.  Over time the follicles produce thinner and shorter hair strands and eventually stop producing hair altogether.  Family history, diet, stress, and medical conditions can be factors as well.

Hair Restoration in Brentwood, TN

If you’re not ready to say goodbye to your full head of hair, Advanced Skin and Laser Center offers SmartGraft hair restoration in Brentwood, TN.  This technology is available to men and women offering permanent, natural results.  Restore your hair loss in just a year with SmartGraft.

Benefits of SmartGraft:

  • Minimally invasive: You’ll have less downtime and scarring than with traditional hair transplantation methods.  Recovery is fast with less healing time.
  • Natural results: Unlike other methods, hairs are individually placed, giving you a natural look.
  • Advanced technology: Thank to follicular unit extraction, a higher number of healthy hair follicles can be removed and transplanted, increasing the success of the treatment.
  • Personalized treatment: Not only can SmartGraft be used for your head, but it is also effective for other areas like eyebrows and body hair.

Hair Transplantation in Brentwood, TN

If you’re ready to start looking and feeling more like yourself again, it’s time for hair restoration in Brentwood, TN with Dr. Binhlam.  Call today to schedule your consultation and find out if you’re a good candidate for SmartGraft!