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Stretch Mark Treatment from a Nashville Dermatologist 

While stretch marks are harmless, you may not like the way they look and feel self-conscious about them.  Stretch mark treatment from a Nashville dermatologist can help to significantly reduce the appearance of your stretch marks, helping you to feel more confident in your skin.

What are Stretch Marks?  

Stretch marks are streaks or lines on the skin’s surface.  They can be red, purple, or white and are commonly found on the stomach, thighs, hips, buttocks, and breasts.  In most cases, stretch marks appear when the skin rapidly changes in size or shape.  Pregnancy, weight gain or loss, puberty, or certain medical conditions are all common causes of stretch marks.

Do Stretch Marks Fade on Their Own? 

Unfortunately, stretch marks do not fade on their own.  While there are over-the-counter remedies available, seeking stretch mark treatment from a Nashville dermatologist is the best way to reduce their appearance.

Dermatologist Recommended Stretch Mark Treatment in Nashville

When you work with a dermatologist for stretch mark treatment, they will assess the severity of your stretch marks and their location to make treatment recommendations.

  • Laser Treatments: Lasers are a common stretch mark treatment option.  Using a CO2 laser or Fraxel laser, collagen in the skin can be stimulated, improving skin texture and the appearance of stretch marks over time.  Most patients need a series of treatments for optimal results and downtime will vary based on the laser treatment used.  
  • Microneedling: Another option for the treatment of stretch marks is microneedling.  By using a device to make microwounds in the skin, the healing process will be stimulated leading to cell turnover and collagen production.  This can help to give you a smoother, more even skin tone.
  • Prescription Topicals: In addition to laser therapy and microneedling, your dermatologist may also recommend prescription-strength medications like retinoids or steroids.  These help to promote cell regeneration, giving you a gradual improvement of your stretch marks over time.

Stretch Mark Treatment – Make an Appointment with a Nashville Dermatologist

If you are tired of feeling self-conscious about your stretch marks, it’s time to do something about it.  While they may never disappear completely, there are stretch mark treatments that can significantly reduce the appearance of stretch marks.  

At Advanced Skin and Laser Center in Brentwood, TN, board-certified dermatologist Dr. John Binhlam, offers a variety of treatments to address your cosmetic and medical skin concerns.  Call our office today at 615-843-SKIN to schedule your consultation!