Blog dermatology rosacea

Dermatologist Recommended Rosacea Treatment in Brentwood, TN

Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that affects over 14 million people.  It is characterized by facial redness from visible blood vessels, flushing, bumps and pimples, and even eye irritation.  A dermatologist at Advanced Skin and Laser Center can diagnose you based on a visual exam.  While there is no cure, we do have options for rosacea treatment in Brentwood, TN.

Identify Your Triggers for Redness

Getting a diagnosis of rosacea can feel like a relief. You finally know what is causing the redness in your face.  The next step is learning about options for rosacea treatment in Brentwood, TN. 

Before we discuss medical options for treatment, there are a few things you can do at home that can help improve your symptoms.  Rosacea flares can be triggered by sun exposure, extreme temperature changes, certain foods, alcohol, skin care products, or hormonal changes.  While it can be difficult to pinpoint a specific trigger, taking note of the effect of these on your skin can help to keep your symptoms at bay.

Dermatologist Recommended Rosacea Treatments in Brentwood, TN

While identifying triggers is a start, most patients need medical rosacea treatment in Brentwood, TN.

  • Medication: Your dermatologist may prescribe topical or oral medication to help reduce redness and inflammation.  You need to check in with your doctor to assess how well they are working and to make the necessary changes to your treatment plan.
  • Red Light Therapy: Red light therapy is a trending treatment that is proving to have many benefits, including reducing rosacea symptoms.  It works by stimulating cellular repair and reducing redness.  Talk to your dermatologist about options for in-office or at-home red light therapy.
  • Laser Treatment for Rosacea: Many patients see the most success with laser treatment for rosacea.  At Advanced Skin and Laser Center, we have several devices designed to address redness and other symptoms of rosacea.  Most patients need a series of treatments to see results.  While laser treatments for rosacea can be considered cosmetic, some insurance companies will cover them as a medically necessary treatment.

Rosacea Treatment in Brentwood, TN

With the guidance of an experienced dermatologist, you can find safe and effective options for rosacea treatment in Brentwood, TN.  A combination of lifestyle changes, medication, and other medical treatments can help you to have skin that you love.

At ASCL in Brentwood, TN we have a legacy of excellence in medical dermatology and are your trusted partner in the journey to optimal skin health. We offer specialized care in treating skin cancers and chronic conditions.  We believe in not just treating the symptoms, but providing holistic care to ensure long-term skin health and radiance. Every patient is different. At ASLC, we offer bespoke treatment plans that meet your unique skin health needs.  Call our office today at 615-843-SKIN to make an appointment.