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Tips for Preventing Dry Winter Lips

With cooler temperatures approaching, many people may start to experience dry, chapped, or cracked lips.  Not only does this feel uncomfortable and even painful, but it can also be unattractive.  We’re sharing a few tips for you to follow this winter to help your lips stay moisturized and supple and when you should see a dermatologist near Brentwood for more help.

Choosing the Right Lip Balm

Lip care products may already have a regular role in your daily routine, but are you using the best one to help with dry lips?  Here are a few things to look for when choosing a lip balm:

  • Ingredients: Look for hydrating ingredients like shea butter, ceramides, beeswax, lanolin, cocoa butter, and mineral oil.  Products with harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances may not be as effective.
  • SPF: If you’ll be spending time outdoors, choose a lip balm with SPF to protect your lips from sun damage.
  • No Flavored Lip Balms: Although they can be appealing, flavored lip balms often contain artificial ingredients that can irritate sensitive skin.

Finding a product that you love that keeps your lips moisturized may take some trial and error.  Don’t be afraid to try a few products to find the right one.

What Causes Dry Lips?

  • Weather Changes: As temperatures cool down, there is often less moisture in the air.  This leads to dry skin and lips.
  • Dehydration: Being hydrated starts from within.  Be sure you’re drinking plenty of water each day.
  • Medications: Certain medications may lead to dry lips.
  • Licking Your Lips: This habit may seem to relieve dryness temporarily, but will lead to to more dryness in the long run.
  • Allergies or Skin Sensitivities: If you’re not using the right lip care products for you, it can lead to more dryness.

Can Lip Fillers Help With Dry Lips?

This might surprise you, but the answer is YES!  Lips fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, which in addition to adding volume can also boost hydration.  Talk to your dermatologist near Brentwood, TN to find out if this is the right solution for you.

When to See a Dermatologist Near Brentwood, TN for Dry Lips

If your lips remain dry and cracked despite trying home remedies or you have persistent discomfort, it may be a good idea to see a dermatologist.  They can make treatment recommendations and run out any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to your dry lips.  To make an appointment with the dermatology team at Advanced Skin and Laser Center in Brentwood, TN, call us at 615-843-SKIN.

Remember that taking care of your lips during the winter months is essential to maintaining their health and appearance.  Choose the right balm (and buy a few of your favorite), stay hydrated, and see a dermatologist near Nashville if you have more questions about lip or skin health.