Spa charges and return policy: I understand that I am responsible for all charges. All procedures are considered cosmetic and are not covered by insurance. Payment is expected at the time of service in the form of cash, check (accompanied by a driver's license), MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover. There will be $30 charge on all returned checks. In the event you wish to discontinue treatment or services, purchased with series or packaging pricing, the services previously rendered will revert to regular pricing and the difference will be refunded or used for other purchased such as services or treatments.
All sales on hosiery and devices are final. Many of our products are available to sample prior to purchasing.
Cancellation Policy:We require a 24-hour cancellation notice for a scheduled appointment. Clients who fail to show for their scheduled appointment will be charged full price of the missed service. Clients that are late will receive a shorter treatment time at the regular price of the service.